Since late 2014 Madni Centre have been delivering a variety of courses from within our fully equipped training room. The room has been managed by the West Bowling Activity Group since its inception and has been fundamental in delivering key competences.
West Bowling Activity Group (WBAG) work closely in partnership with several organisations such as Bradford College, Workers Educational Association (WEA), Empowering Minds, Meridian Centre, etc. to provide training courses for 16-18 year old girls and women in a safe environment within their local community. Tutors are provided by our partner organisations and are highly qualified in their respective field.
The range of subjects/topics covered are increasing year-on-year as the facilities at the Madni Centre are rapidly evolving to accommodate demand. This rapid growth and interest has kept the centre flourishing and has given us a platform to provide additional subjects on request. Should you require further information or would like to enrol on any of the training courses, please contact the Training Co-ordinator on 07878 042 207.
Furthermore you can visit www.wbag.org.uk to learn more about the group and get up-to-date with their latest outreach projects.