The masjid is now open to the public for congregational prayers Alhamdulillah. Please note that whilst good news floods our hearts we have to embrace a "new normal". The purpose of this is to ensure compliance with government guidelines and also health and wellbeing of the public. Thus some measures have been put in place that everyone attending the masjid must embrace. These are clarified below:
Wudhu (ablution) facilities shall not be available until further notice, therefore you must come prepared.
You must bring with you a prayer mat and ensure you use it during salah.
You must bring with you a small bag to place your shoes in which shall be kept with you whilst in the masjid.
Sanitise whilst entering the masjid. Sanitisation station are present throughout.
You must follow the new signs placed conveniently and ensure you observe a one way system.
Keep presence within the masjid strictly for prayer and not spend excessive time albeit whilst engaging in salah with total devotion.
Please observe a 2 meter distance at all times including during salah. Whilst Islamic ruling encourages us to stand shoulder to shoulder, during these unfortunate events we need to stand 2 meters apart even during salah. The carpet has been marked appropriately throughout the masjid.
Maintain order and be considerate. When salah finishes do not rush to leave the masjid. Do so in an orderly manner whilst observing distance and helping one another.
Some of the brothers shall be wearing high visibility attire. They are there to help you so please be respectful and abide by the rules. Do not try dictating otherwise as they are volunteering to help the masjid comply with government guidelines and help ensure the masjid remains open. All masaajid shall be monitored regularly by the local council as well as Public Health England.
Should we have further updates, we shall post accordingly. Lets work together and ensure we abide by rules and help keep the masjid fully occupied.
For further information or advice, please do so via the contact page.