The Madni Centre is a multi-purpose state-of-the-art 3-storey building in close proximity to the main masjid hosting additional services and facilities. The centre has resulted in the expansion of the Girls Academy with an increased capacity and as of December 2014 has been officially certified as 'A Place of Worship'.
Residential Flats – totally renovated and let since 2011.
Girls Academy – has been in use since January 2013 boasting 13 classrooms, a staff room and ablution area.
Ladies Worship Hall – has been in use since April 2013.
Men’s Worship Hall – has been in use since December 2014 often used for our second delayed Jumu'ah Salah.
Centre Office – has been in use since December 2014.
Funeral Services – available to Muslims usually residing within Bradford, click HERE for further information.
Training Room – in use since October 2014 and managed by the West Bowling Activity Group (WBAG) delivering the following course:
Child Care | Maths | English | Sewing | Arts and Crafts | ICT
For further details on WBAG and how to get involved, please visit www.wbag.org.uk
Training Courses – the Madni Centre offers a variety of training courses in conjunction with those hosted by WBAG.
Phase II – redevelopment commenced May 2015 and now fully operation. This included the inception of a high-tech I.T suite, library, girls school for 16-18 year-olds and an additional Hall.
Originally as part of the Phase II Development stage. Plans are to finally incorporate a Fitness Facility within the Centre for everyone to benefit from. Times shall be split for gender segregation thus allowing individuals to work on their health and fitness with peace of mind.