The Madni Academy has come leaps and bounds from a ‘single room in a terraced house’ to an abundant purpose equipped complex. May Allah SWT reward the late Ishaq Naqwa Sawant (Rahmatullah alai) from His bountiful treasurers who helped lay the foundations to the commencement of a successful Islamic Academy for children from within West Bowling and surround areas.
The Madrassa officially transitioned into an Academy in 2010 with the appointment of our first Academy Principal. The Principal is responsible for the running of the Academy to ensure ‘Best Practice’ is achieved in:
the teaching of children
implementation of policies and procedures
behaviour and attitudes
Our versatile academy currently teaches boys and girls from the ages of 5 to beyond their early 20s'. Our focus is to ensure excellence in both Islamic practices as well as life skills and citizenship. The children from within our communities need to be beacons of society and model representatives to our teaching and values.
Students are usually enrolled during or immediately following Ramadan each year. If you wish to enrol your child at Madni Academy, please download and complete the form below and forward to the Academy Principal.